Old City shops will stay open late on Wednesday, December 14, 2022 for special holiday shopping hours from 5:00-7:00pm. Receive a free Old City tote bag with any purchase - while supplies last - at participating locations! Also, don’t miss the Farmers Market at Christ Church’s Holiday Pop-Up Market from 3:00-7:00pm at 2nd and Church Streets. Arch Street Meeting House, 320 Arch Street, will host a movie screening of How the Grinch Stole Christmas from 7:00-9:30pm. Tickets are a suggested donation of $5 per attendee and includes admission to the museum. For information, click here.
Old City Holiday Shopping Stroll participants include:
Anima Natural Pet Products, 304 Arch Street, https://shop.bonejourpetsupply.com/products/shop/
Art in the Age, 116 N. 3rd Street, http://artintheage.com/
Artist & Craftsman Supply, 307 Market Street, https://artistcraftsman.com/
Benjamin Lovell Shoes, 60 N. 3rd Street, https://blshoes.com/
Boxbar, 241 Race Street, https://boxbarphilly.com/
The Center for Art in Wood, 141 N. 3rd Street, https://centerforartinwood.org/
Claudia Mills Studio, 133 N. 3rd Street, https://www.claudiamills.com/
Dafina Co., 47 N. 3rd Street, https://dafinacompany.com/
Damari, 72 N. 2nd Street, https://damari.us/
Elektra Vintage, 53 N. 3rd Street, https://elektravtg.com/
The Franklin Fountain, 116 Market Street, https://www.franklinfountain.com/
Hitched, 67 N. 2nd Street, https://tryhitched.com/pages/philadelphia
Kick Axe Throwing, 232 Market Street, https://www.kickaxe.com/philly
The Link Studios, 213 Arch Street, https://www.instagram.com/thelinkphilly/
Midnight Lunch Studio, 20 S. 3rd Street, https://shopmidnightlunch.com/
Millesime, 33 N. 2nd Street, https://www.millesime.us/
More Than Old, 144 N. 3rd Street, http://www.morethanold.com/joomla/index.php
Museum of Illusions, 401 Market Street, https://moiphilly.com/
Opportunity Barks, 38 S. 3d Street, https://www.opbarks.com/
Red Parasol Cafe, 220 Market Street, https://www.instagram.com/redparasolcafe/
Philadelphia Independents, 35 N. 3rd Street, https://www.philadelphiaindependents.com/
Riverwards Produce, 146 N. Bread Street, https://www.riverwardsproduce.com/
Sage Hair Collective, 53 N. 2nd Street, https://sagehaircollectivephl.com/
Shane Confectionery, 110 Market Street, https://shanecandies.com/
Unique Photo, 28 S. 2nd Street, https://www.uniquephoto.com/
Weitzman National Museum of American Jewish History, 101 S. Independence Mall E, https://theweitzman.org/
For more information about Old City District, Historic Holidays in Old City, and holiday happenings, visit www.oldcitydistrict.org/holidays.